Creating Safer Work and Play Environments

Gym Bleachers & Grandstands
Safety is our number one priority, which is why we follow an extensive bleacher maintenance protocol. We provide the required annual ICC inspection report once your bleachers receive a clean bill of health.

Basketball Backstops & Safety Belts
With equipment weighing as much as or more than an average size car, it is vitally important to have a company with our experience and reputation maintaining your basketball backstops and safety belts.

Gym Divider Curtains
NWAP is highly skilled with repairing, maintaining and even replacing gym divider curtains. These must be reliable to allow much needed flexible and functional space for your students and staff.

Miscellaneous Gym Equipment
NWAP also can provide maintenance, repair and replacement to various other components of the gym including; wall pads, mat hoists, retractable batting cages etc.
Safety is Our #1 Priority
The NWAP team considers ourselves Gym Safety experts as we offer over 70 years of combined experience in this area. Our dedicated service and maintenance department is devoted to ensuring your gym equipment, bleachers and grandstands are inspected and maintained to perform in a safe working manner. If you are looking to update or replace your equipment, we are well-equipped to handle this for you as well. We aim to be your district’s partner in ALL THINGS GYM SAFETY.
Contact Our Service Department
To schedule a service or inquire about a complimentary assessment, please call.
(425) 967-4444
* Photo courtesy of Draper, Inc. Photographer: Matt Oberer, Matt O Photo Albuquerque, NM, Location: Centennial High School, Las Cruces, NMArchitect/Dealer: Norcon of New Mexico, Products: Backstops, gym dividers, wall pads